
The purpose of this session is to educate both surgeons and IH members on how to work up and manage reflux in MBS patients. Reflux is a complex disease and if not managed appropriately can lead to complications such as Barrett’s and cancer. Selecting the wrong initial MBS procedure can lead to worsening of the disease. An understanding of reflux disease and management is critical for those taking care of MBS patients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how to properly work up reflux even when your center may lack specialized testing.
  2. Be able to offer dietary management and life style changes to manage reflux.
  3. Metabolic and bariatric surgery as a treatment for reflux- which procedure should you choose to treat the patient with reflux.
  4. Understand how revisional metabolic and bariatric surgery can be used as a surgical treatment for reflux in patient with and without obesity.

8:00am Welcome and Overview of Session
L. Renee Hilton-Rowe, FACS FASMBS MD
8:15am Work-Up of Reflux
Kellie Armstrong, MSN RN CBN
8:30am Dietary Treatment of Reflux
Marci M Parker, LDN RD
8:45am MBS as a Surgical Treatment of Reflux as an Initial operation
Carlos Galvani, MD FACS FASMBS
9:00am Revision Cases - How Revisional Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Can Be Used as a Treatment for Reflux in Patient With and Without Obesity
Corrigan McBride, MD
9:15am Question and Answer
9:30am Adjourn