
This Session is designed to highlight the technical nuances, decision making, and strategies to reduce complications in performing primary and revisional Bariatric procedures. The session will include expert opinion, peer discussion and audience participation highlighting the same.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe Technical pitfalls in Primary and revisional Bariatric Surgery.
  2. Describe Bailout strategies in difficult situations.
  3. Describe complications in Primary and Revisional Bariatric Surgery.

10:00am Introduction
Benjamin Clapp, MD; Farah A Husain, FACS FASMBS MD
Roux-en-Y Leaks Intra-Op and Post-Op:
Speaker: Monique Hassan, MD MBA FACS FASMBS
10:05am How to Handle a Positive Leak Test, Problems With Provocative Testing, and Leak Management
SG Nightmares:
Speaker: Christopher Northup, MD
10:20am Acute Leaks, Chronic Leaks, and Chronic Fistulae (Pleural, Intra-Abdominal)
SADI: Ok I Can Do One, But How Do I Get Out of Trouble?
Speaker: Folahan K Ayoola, MD FACS FASMBS
10:35am Leaks at the DI, Malnutrition, and Reversal
Maybe It Is As Complex as They Said!!:
10:50am Operative Misadventures, Limb lengthening, and Reversal
Rana Pullatt, MD
11:05am Management of Hiatal Hernia After Sleeve and RYGB
Benjamin Clapp, MD
Technical Hurdles:
Speaker: Carlos Galvani, MD FACS FASMBS
11:20am Short Mesentery in the Bypass, Roux-en-O, and Staple Misfires (Robot)
Bailout - I’m Going Down! Where's My Parachute? When to Call Off an Operation:
Speaker: Sarah Samreen, MD
11:35am Liver Size, Unexpected Operative findings, and Anesthetic Issues
11:50am Question and Answer
12:00pm Adjourn