
Learning Objectives:

  1. Be familiar with the history of the robotic platform and its use in Bariatric Surgery today.

  2. Understand the differences and challenges in implementing a bariatric robotics program in private practice versus academic practice setting.

  3. Describe the upcoming robotic technologies and their potential use in bariatric surgery.

1:00pm Introduction
Folahan K Ayoola, MD FACS FASMBS; Sarah Samreen, MD
1:05pm How We Got Here
Ann Rogers, MD
1:20pm The Value of Robotics in My Private Practice
Teresa LaMasters, FACS FASMBS MD
1:35pm The Challenges of Robotics in My Private Practice
Colleen I Kennedy, FASMBS MBA MD
1:50pm Question and Answer
2:00pm The Value of Robotics in My Academic Practice
2:15pm The Challenges of Robotics in My Academic Practice
Monique Hassan, MD MBA FACS FASMBS
2:30pm The Future of Robotics
Farah A Husain, FACS FASMBS MD
2:45pm Question and Answer
2:55pm Wrap Up
3:00pm Adjourn